Stop wasting time on figuring out where to start and create consistently in your art journal even if the blank page is your enemy #1

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The most common question I get from art journal beginners is: 

How to start? & How to build a page?

Do you feel like you should just throw something on the page, but for some reason you just can't get there?

Would you like to work on the techniques that you don't currently possess?

Do you see a big white piece of paper and haven't the foggiest where to start?

Do you see all these amazing pages from other artists and you can’t seem to achieve that?

Maybe you don’t have the spare $ to join expensive classes which is a tad frustrating as you want to learn a bit so you can grasp some understanding of how to be creative & where to start on the blank page

But how can you leave this all behind you?

By having a safe and creative space to make art daily or weekly without wasting time on figuring out where to start.

By using art journal prompts, aka the amazing superheroes, that kick the creative block in the butt, show you how to start, and inspire you aaaaaall the way so you always have new, fresh ideas.

That's why I created...

Art Journal Prompts Club

A monthly membership for art journal enthusiasts with prompts & ideas to inspire you daily so you don't have to worry about where or how to start (and stop wasting time on that so you actually have more time for creating)

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"I know it isn't easy, but you make it look doable for this beginner. You make things come to life.Thank you."

- Susan G.


Finally having ideas whenever you open your art journal

Staring at a blank page is such an annoying thing we all face. That's why I want to create a safe, inspiring place that can help you get ideas easily and make art consistently. This membership is a space where you'll always find inspiration, learn new things and grow as an artist.

No more prompts that are difficult to be creative with

Unlike the monthly prompts that just give you a word or two for inspiration, I’m passionate about giving you that extra nudge and guidance to fully understand the prompts and create consistently in your art journal.

Your pages as something experimental, messy, beautiful, colourful, and everything they can be

The freedom an art journal gives you is priceless. We can remove the obstacles you now see when you want to create in this safe community where we’ll experiment, be messy or even clean and tidy (something for everyone). We’ll explore different ideas, techniques, styles, etc.

Making regular guilt-free art time for yourself as much needed self-care


We’re not only going to slap the paint in the style of mixed-media-junk-journaling without adding deeper meaning to your art. That’s why we’ll also focus on mindfulness and feelings you have. You’ll explore you and how you feel through art. 

What about having regular feedback for your pages so you can grow consistently?

You don’t have to do this alone. You’ll have my support where I’ll give you monthly feedback for your pages, help you with finishing them with tips and advice, and constantly encourage you to express yourself creatively no matter your artistic level.

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What do you actually get when you join?

Every month, you’ll get loads of creative goodness to consistently make art in your art journal:

Monthly list of prompts (abstract, mindful, techniques, collage, lettering, etc.)

Weekly video workshop using the prompts

Monthly feedback session

Tips & tricks to make your pages more appealing

Extra printables to spice things up

Full access to the membership area with all past and future updates

Cancel anytime, baby.

If you join the memberhsip, but then feel it's not for you anymore, you can cancel anytime.

"I love that you are teaching basic art skills to beginners. I have been watching too many YouTube videos that mostly leave me feeling overwhelmed and not good enough, excited to be learning so that I can build up my confidence!"

- Cheryl B.

Would your sessions and videos be recorded so I can watch them at any time?

Yes, all the workshops will be recorded so you can access them anytime you want.

I’m a complete beginner, will I be able to participate?

I created this membership for beginners, so nothing will be overwhelming. But some prompts and lessons will be challegning on purpose, to inspire you and motivate you to grow artistically.

How much does it cost?

The membership costs $10 per month but you can cancel anytime. Once you cancel, you'll have no more access to the membership area.

As long as you're a member, you'll have full access to all past and future updates, lessons, printables, and feedback.

Can I cancel anytime?

Yes, you can cancel your membership anytime.

What supplies am I going to need?

I'll try to use the basic supplies like watercolor, acrylics, brushes, diy tools, stamps, paper, stencils, glue, pens & markers. Also, I'll always recommend alternatives.

What if I don’t have the supplies needed?

I'll give you tips on some alternatives, but you should have some paint, some painting tools, pens, glue, old magazine images, photos, paper scraps.

Can I ask for feedback anonymously?

Definitely! You don't have to go public with it. You can ask for feedback anonymously if you're shy or just want to be incognito :)

How will the feedback be delivered?

Once a month, I'll gather your questions (and pages) and film a video giving you feedback. 

Depending on the number of people and questions, I might limit the number of feedback requests per month so that everyone can get their turn.

What’s included in one month of prompts?

During one month, you'll get:

  • list of monthly prompts
  • another list of prompts with steps for building a page
  • weekly workshop/lesson based on a prompt with tips and tricks
  • monthly feedback for your pages and/or Q&A session
  • printables
  • extra tips and tricks included in every lesson
Do I need to do all the prompts?

Of course not. You can skip anything you don't feel like doing. This will serve as an infinite well of ideas and prompts that will help you get over the blank page fear and learn new things and finally grow as an artist.

What if I join but then realize this isn’t for me?

Then you just cancel your membership, without any questions asked, and that's it :).

How long to I have access?

As long as you're an active member, you have full access to all the lessons and prompts.

Join us by clicking the button below and let’s get you forget the blank page terror and finally feel the joy of being consistent in your art journal

Because you'll have ideas AND time.

This membership is closed for enrollment.